Friday, October 16, 2009

Word Watcher

These are words that I found throughout the book that I did not understand.

1. impertinet-not pertinent or relevant; irrelevant
2. veritable- being truly or very much so
3. emblazoned- to proclaim; celebrate or extol
4. monolithic- consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken

This is a post by Amanda

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Roles/Reading Schedule!!!

Hello to anyone reading this! (And by anyone, I mean Robin and Amanda :D) This is Gabby! I hope you guys like the blog, but if not, we can always change it :)

SOOO here are our roles and schedule!

AMANDA; something with words....??
(Sorry Amanda! I can't remember exactly what you were! I looks for the positions on the blog but I can't seem to find them)
GABBY; Discussion Director


10/9- 10/12= pg 1-59

10/13- 1014= pg 60-83

10/15- 10/16= pg 84-147

10/17- 10/18= pg 148-199

10/19- 10/20= pg 200- 256

10/21- 10/22= pg 257-324

We decided to read a certain amount of pages every 2 days, rather then everyday. We thought it would be much easier because on some of these days we might have a ton of homework, and won't be able to finish the pages until the next day. :) Also, we wanted to finish reading our book early so we could have extra time (if need be) and also so we can have time to work on the other english book report.

Ok, well, that't about it! TALK TO YOU LATER!!!
